Use that to your advantage while in their crossfire. Client Index; IMPORTANT: If you are running Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger) or older, then the following instructions can work for you. Otherwise, for Mac OS X (all versions), the JX Client is the recommended client option. The Mac OS X - X11 (Intel) client is available through three methods. ATI CROSSFIRE in MAC PRO 2,8 Ghz. Hi, i just pluggend in a second HD2600XT in my 2008 Mac Pro from my Friends MAC PRO and bought me a ATI Crossfire Brigde. ATi Crossfire works in Bootcamp under VISTA and XP. Just Download the ATI Catylist center and just turn on CROSSFIRE! 3dmark06 under Crossfire (XP 9144 Points ) Vista32BIT 8700 Points.
FTP Sites throughout the world where Crossfire can be obtained.
The current version of the Crossfire server is 1.75.0 as of 2021-Jan-13.
- Source Code - Server - Source Code - Maps - Source Code - GTKv2 Client
Older Server Releases
- Windows - Server - Windows - Maps & Archetypes
ATTENTION Linux Users:
- Note1: Refer to the Crossfire Wiki for a list of package dependencies for the server and client
- Note2: Refer to the Crossfire Wiki for a list of Linux distributions that have precompiled packages of the client and server, along with other instructions
ATTENTION Windows Users:
- Note1: A snapshot is available for the server and client, no compiling is needed - just download and install from the .exe file
- Note2: There are two (2) installation files required - the server and the maps, both available as .exe files
Stephen Crossfire Download
CVS support has phased out at SourceForge so for historic and archive purposes, a tarball of the CVS code repo is available for download.
- (215M)
- (215M)
- md5sum (crossfire-cvs-archive.tar.gz) = 65182fa0b1750ba3e42d828afc0217a3
- NOTE: Decompressed content size is 980M total
Crossfire migrated to Git on 2021-May-11, a tarball of the SVN code repo is available for download.

- (531M)
- md5sum (crossfire-svn-archive.tar.gz) = 594b4faf5542d8ab6757062c64489eb0
- SHA1 hash sum = 2342fb0175189be69654425d88bfb1cc146801b7
- SHA256 hash sum= 27c31277df8d196ff54ebbb582d9bc9efd94753654e78ee2322de0f102faa898
- NOTE: Decompressed content size is 1.5G total
The general commands to check out a module (archtypes, client, maps, server, et al) is the following:
- git clone crossfire-crossfire-arch
- git clone crossfire-crossfire-client
- git clone crossfire-jxclient
- git clone crossfire-crossfire-maps
- git clone crossfire-metaserver
- git clone crossfire-crossfire-server
- git clone crossfire-crossfire-sounds
See the Git page for more information on Git commands, syntax, options, etc.
Compile from Source:
See the Crossfire Wiki for more information on how to compile the server and client(s) from the source code.
Linux Server & Clients:
Windows Server:
- Windows Server Map Set: (required)
Windows GTK Client:
The automated build process makes frequent snapshot releases.
JX Client:
Snapshot build, local and remote mirror:
- SHA256 hash sum = db57733ea178c82e9e74195c12af08e1c3bba327aec4e257d87afc9dd2bd852b
- SHA1 hash sum = 880cb6eb95f3e4bd42e4bc6a45abe07772b176cc
- md5um = e796a90b1e0259b0bc61935091248769

Gridarta (formerly CF Java Editor):
Snapshot mirror (USA):
- md5sum = ca51057b7dee1119eb80622e1f7fbb73
- SHA1 hash sum = 280c1442a90bb93234b6ad6594d03c5a490b038d
- SHA256 hash sum = 7094f09eb4837edecd03674e978fa70cedf16b76969d401a138f5477e2a1d656

Command to check out (read only) the Gridarta for Crossfire map editor:
Crossfire App Download
- git clone git:// gridarta-gridarta