Mac OS X only: Wake yourself and your Mac with freeware app Alarm Clock 2. It boasts tons of features like repeating alarms, 'easy wake' (the volume of the alarm slowly increases), wake to music.

- Download iTunes Alarm for Mac to turn your Mac into a fully-featured alarm clock. Advanced SystemCare Free. Most Popular; New Releases. Operating Systems Mac OS X 10.4 PPC, Mac.
- Alarm Clock is an awesome, free multiplatform program (also available for Windows), belonging to the category Productivity software with subcategory Clocks Alarms & Reminders. More about Alarm Clock. This program is available for users with the operating system Mac OS X and previous versions, and it is available in English, Spanish, and German.
- Download Timeless: Alarm Clock for macOS 10.10 or later and enjoy it on your Mac. Timeless is the best and most gorgeous alarm clock and reminder app for your Mac. With its beautiful and easy to use interface, Timeless is a pleasure to use and will integrate seamlessly into your workflow, from morning till night.
Many users refer to the Mac App Store to download an alarm clock, unaware of the built-in one.. If you have not yet used this feature, it can be difficult to set up Even if you are familiar with the basic alarm function, there are other available features offered by default with Mac OS applications.. Minor features such as alarm clocks can be included by default and are popular with many users.
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